If you're confused as to why my blog is called, The Wall of Trash, check out my first post!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stuck in the Storage Room!

This post is dedicated to my mom because she's been asking me to blog about this story for quite some time now!

Let me set the scene... 1:52 am, in my basement, three of my favorite cousins were sleeping over, and I needed to make a phone call.

Like I said, it was very late at night and I could not sleep! I was reading my scriptures and came across the answer to a question my best friend, Jessica, had asked me a few weeks prior to this event. I knew that I had to call her immediately, or I would not be able to remember in the morning what I was going to tell her. However, my basement was filled with sleeping cousins that I did not want to disturb, so I went into the storage room, shut the door, and called Jess. By some miracle she was awake! We talked on the phone for about forty minutes until we both decided we should try to get some sleep. The door to the storage room would not open!!! I was locked in! (The doorknob on that door has all of the inside mechanics of a doorknob, but is lacking the knob...) I tried to open that door for about fifteen minutes, but it would not budge. I was very tired at this point, so I rolled a sleeping bag out onto that cold cement floor in hope to catch some Z's. That didn't happen. The dust from the storage room got stuck in my throat, so I could not stop coughing. Luckily, the freezer in there had just been restocked with Otter Pops that day, so I was able to snack on them until the tickle in my throat went away. I was praying the whole time that all of the creepy-crawlies would leave me alone. I can tolerate spiders, but not when the are crawling on me.... Ew, that just gave me nasty chills. Back to my story! I was able to fall asleep, but I woke up again at 4:29. The water-softner had turned on and was dripping every few seconds. Plop....Plop....Plop. I thought my bladder was going to EXPLODE! Oh my goodness... I had to go! I thought I was going to have to relieve myself in the drain!! I needed to get out of that room. I turned on the light, turned around, and found a wrench sitting on the shelf! Hallelujah! I shoved it into the door until it opened. I was able to get out and sleep the last few hours of the night peacefully in my own bed!

While I'm at it, I'll just update everyone on my life!

As for no sugar this month, I found out that you only have to go two weeks avoiding sugar to be completely cured of cravings! I'll be able to eat sugar on Sunday! I cannot wait! I did eat a sno creme while I was at my family reunion in Fairview though... I deserved it! That day I got a toothpick stuck in my foot and it broke off in there! Gross! Oh, I also accidentally ate about ten Skittles! Other than that, I've been doing great! This second week was a lot easier than the first! I highly recommend going two weeks without sugar to anyone! It has been so good for me and truly eye-opening!


  1. Two weeks is all? Really?

    Too bad there is no way I could make it that long.

  2. The video looked great before it was even finished. Hope all goes well! It was so fun to see you last weekend!

  3. First of all, I remember that night you got stuck in the storage room and I just fell asleep in your room with the light on supposing you would come back and being very confused at 4 am when you showed up ha ha ha I'm so glad you made it out alive, you should have just called me!
    Second, I feel flattered to be on your thanking list, but mostly
    Third, I'm DYING to see your movie!!!
    And Fourth, I admire you're sugar ban. You've inspired me and I think I'll follow you soon enough.
    (And 5th, I LOVE YOU!!!!)
