If you're confused as to why my blog is called, The Wall of Trash, check out my first post!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Simple Joys

My life is centered around "Simple Joys"....
(Things that are simple that bring me joy!)
Here are just a few of them :)

-Riding my bike at night

-Christmas lights

-The Big Dipper

-School supplies


-Any frozen treat!

-Reading and Writing

-Holding hands


-Tillamoook cheese

-The smell of a floral shop

-Facebook stalking with cousins

-Late night chats

-Easy mac right after it comes out of the microwave


-New music


-Southwest Ranch Dip


-General Conference

-Scented markers

-New socks

-Board and card games


-Random earrings

-Family dinner

-Hot chocolate

-A new box of crayons!


-Movies on the back of the house

-Laughing :)


There are more, but I'll add to the list later!


  1. I relate to a lot of these. I bet you would add the view from the deck in Fairview, quiet time at the cabin, watching it snow in silence, your little sisters giggling...BTW who are you spooning with?

  2. Love the list. I will never look at another pair of earrings the same after seeing your awesome fork and spoon!

  3. So cute! We have a lot in common! Accept for cows...I'm afraid of cows. And I can't ride a bike. So, now you're my hero! :)
