If you're confused as to why my blog is called, The Wall of Trash, check out my first post!

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Life of a Sugar Addict...

Let's just get this out of the way, I love sugar! I didn't realize that I had this addiction until my last visit to the dentist... (I hate going to the dentist!) I couldn't figure out what was wrong! I also love to brush my teeth, so I just couldn't fathom how these cavities came to inhabit my teeth! But then I realized... I LOVE SUGAR!!!! It's bad... I can eat about 12 otter pops in one sitting, I eat ice cream everyday, I have my own private stashes of candy in my room, I am obsessed with chocolate cake, and I love sugar cereals!

So July 31, I decided that I am going the whole month of August without eating bad sugars.... Operation: August No Sugar Rush!

Oh, and I've decided to start drinking milk! The only thing I'm allowing myself to eat that would fall under the "bad sugar" category is FROZEN YOGURT! Woo! I know we're taught not to justify our actions in sunday school, but frozen yogurt isn't THAT bad for you, plus I put fresh fruit on top when I eat it! I'll tell you how it's been so far...

August 1st.
Luckily it was fast Sunday, so I couldn't eat anything anyways. However, when I got home from church, my little sisters were sitting at the table eating vanilla cookies with chocolate frosting on them that T-Bone made. I said longingly,"Mmm... Are those cookies good girls?" Kate comes over to me, and acts like it's the best thing she has eaten her whole life! I said,"You're such a jerk!" and ran downstairs to take a nap to curb my cravings. Luckily I can still eat cheese and pickles! Yummy! Okay later that night, I wanted something sweet! My mom said,"How about you eat some fruit!" Fruit?! Fruit?! What is fruit??? I probably ate more fruit last night than I have in the past two weeks! I ate frozen blueberries, and a plum. Then I realized how much candy is hidden in my room... I sacrificed it all to my family! I had one of those whole huge boxes nerds that I only ate 10 nerds out of! And a whole box of cookie crisp cereal. Man, I love cookies! They ate them in front of me, I thought I was going to cry! My dad handed me a banana... I'm going to be so healthy if I keep this fruit action up!

August 2nd
As I write this blog, one last Dunford chocolate cake doughnut is sitting right in front of me... Oh how I want it!

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOOOO!I'm so excited you have a blog! That's awesome!!! You and I sound like we're related. Go figure! I'm in this with you, all the way!!! Winner gets a candy bar. Hahahaha!!!! You can do it!
