If you're confused as to why my blog is called, The Wall of Trash, check out my first post!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Toothpick Epidemic

Okay, so the date that this really happened was August 6, 2010.... But I just have not updated my blog since then. I've thought about doing so, but since the school year has started, my access to the computer is extremely limited because my brother is doing "homework" on it ALL the time!

Here's the story....
We were getting ready to go to Fairview (time 12:00) and I was running down the stairs when it happened. I had just reached the bottom when I stepped on something! "What the heck?!" I looked at my foot (that was writhing in agony!) and it wasn't bleeding! I could not believe I was in so much pain and there wasn't even any blood! Just a flap of skin weirded out... So i touched it and when I did pain went SHOOTING up my leg! I'm not even kidding! I just started screaming!!! (My mom will tell you that I was screaming worse than a woman in labor, but let me just clarify that I was not!) Oh it was awful.

I soaked my foot in the tub. Used tweezers. And everything I could think of to try and get this dang thing out. No results.

10:00 rolls around. We are in Fairview. Everyone was driving me absolutely crazy asking if they could try and get it out. Stubbornly, I wouldn't let anyone try. I went to bed so everyone would just leave me alone! But, no. They all came out on the back porch and laughed, and talked, and stepped on me multiple times. (I was sleeping on the back porch by the way!) I started crying because I was so frustrated. My G-ma came over and told me that I she had to try and get it out or else it would get infected. My dad said the infection would eventually kill me. I didn't want to die. To every one's relief, Grandma got the toothpick out... or at least we thought.

A week later, I was running down the stairs (again) and i hit my heel (did I mention it was in my heel?!) HARD on a step! It KILLED! I thought,"Okay, if this toothpick really is out, it shouldn't be hurting a week later!" Am I right?! I took a look at my poorly healing foot and decided I needed to perform surgery on myself. I took a piece of sandpaper and some disinfected tweezers. I used the sand paper to take off the layer of purplish-greenish skin covering the injury. Then, I took the tweezers and started pulling skin away from the hole. After a few layers, something burst (seriously!) and exploded all over! I had infection squirt out all over me and Jacob's carpet! (What did you think I'd be dumb enough to do this in my own room!?) Oh the smell was horrendous! I'm gagging just thinking about it! I thought that the pain would be gone after that... Oh boy was I wrong!

A while after that, we went to the cabin. I wore flip-flops the whole time, so my feet got very red-dirty. When we got home, 18 days after the first epic-toothpick-in-my-foot-august-sixth day mind you, I decided to soak my red-dirty foot in a warm bowl of Epsom salt. It soaked for about 15 minutes. I pulled my foot out and squeezed my heel (Keep in mind that I was on my tippy toes for 18 days!!!!! Talk about calf pain!!!!) and something started coming out! I started yelling,"AH! More infection is coming out!" Tyler ran over to come check it out. He told me to wipe it off so we could see more come out. I wiped it and it didn't go away. It was something solid. I said,"What the heck... It's a log or something!!" Or something!!! It was the toothpick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can still hear the Hallelujah chorus singing from that day! (Now I have a fear of toothpicks.) I was able to pull the tip of the toothpick out with my fingers. It now resides in a ziploc bag on my wall of trash.

Author's Note: I apologize for the short choppy sentences, undescriptive words, bad grammer, and excessive use of paranthesis (Oh! And exclamation points!). You have to understand that it is difficult for me to relive these bitter times of my life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Simple Joys

My life is centered around "Simple Joys"....
(Things that are simple that bring me joy!)
Here are just a few of them :)

-Riding my bike at night

-Christmas lights

-The Big Dipper

-School supplies


-Any frozen treat!

-Reading and Writing

-Holding hands


-Tillamoook cheese

-The smell of a floral shop

-Facebook stalking with cousins

-Late night chats

-Easy mac right after it comes out of the microwave


-New music


-Southwest Ranch Dip


-General Conference

-Scented markers

-New socks

-Board and card games


-Random earrings

-Family dinner

-Hot chocolate

-A new box of crayons!


-Movies on the back of the house

-Laughing :)


There are more, but I'll add to the list later!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stuck in the Storage Room!

This post is dedicated to my mom because she's been asking me to blog about this story for quite some time now!

Let me set the scene... 1:52 am, in my basement, three of my favorite cousins were sleeping over, and I needed to make a phone call.

Like I said, it was very late at night and I could not sleep! I was reading my scriptures and came across the answer to a question my best friend, Jessica, had asked me a few weeks prior to this event. I knew that I had to call her immediately, or I would not be able to remember in the morning what I was going to tell her. However, my basement was filled with sleeping cousins that I did not want to disturb, so I went into the storage room, shut the door, and called Jess. By some miracle she was awake! We talked on the phone for about forty minutes until we both decided we should try to get some sleep. The door to the storage room would not open!!! I was locked in! (The doorknob on that door has all of the inside mechanics of a doorknob, but is lacking the knob...) I tried to open that door for about fifteen minutes, but it would not budge. I was very tired at this point, so I rolled a sleeping bag out onto that cold cement floor in hope to catch some Z's. That didn't happen. The dust from the storage room got stuck in my throat, so I could not stop coughing. Luckily, the freezer in there had just been restocked with Otter Pops that day, so I was able to snack on them until the tickle in my throat went away. I was praying the whole time that all of the creepy-crawlies would leave me alone. I can tolerate spiders, but not when the are crawling on me.... Ew, that just gave me nasty chills. Back to my story! I was able to fall asleep, but I woke up again at 4:29. The water-softner had turned on and was dripping every few seconds. Plop....Plop....Plop. I thought my bladder was going to EXPLODE! Oh my goodness... I had to go! I thought I was going to have to relieve myself in the drain!! I needed to get out of that room. I turned on the light, turned around, and found a wrench sitting on the shelf! Hallelujah! I shoved it into the door until it opened. I was able to get out and sleep the last few hours of the night peacefully in my own bed!

While I'm at it, I'll just update everyone on my life!

As for no sugar this month, I found out that you only have to go two weeks avoiding sugar to be completely cured of cravings! I'll be able to eat sugar on Sunday! I cannot wait! I did eat a sno creme while I was at my family reunion in Fairview though... I deserved it! That day I got a toothpick stuck in my foot and it broke off in there! Gross! Oh, I also accidentally ate about ten Skittles! Other than that, I've been doing great! This second week was a lot easier than the first! I highly recommend going two weeks without sugar to anyone! It has been so good for me and truly eye-opening!

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Life of a Sugar Addict...

Let's just get this out of the way, I love sugar! I didn't realize that I had this addiction until my last visit to the dentist... (I hate going to the dentist!) I couldn't figure out what was wrong! I also love to brush my teeth, so I just couldn't fathom how these cavities came to inhabit my teeth! But then I realized... I LOVE SUGAR!!!! It's bad... I can eat about 12 otter pops in one sitting, I eat ice cream everyday, I have my own private stashes of candy in my room, I am obsessed with chocolate cake, and I love sugar cereals!

So July 31, I decided that I am going the whole month of August without eating bad sugars.... Operation: August No Sugar Rush!

Oh, and I've decided to start drinking milk! The only thing I'm allowing myself to eat that would fall under the "bad sugar" category is FROZEN YOGURT! Woo! I know we're taught not to justify our actions in sunday school, but frozen yogurt isn't THAT bad for you, plus I put fresh fruit on top when I eat it! I'll tell you how it's been so far...

August 1st.
Luckily it was fast Sunday, so I couldn't eat anything anyways. However, when I got home from church, my little sisters were sitting at the table eating vanilla cookies with chocolate frosting on them that T-Bone made. I said longingly,"Mmm... Are those cookies good girls?" Kate comes over to me, and acts like it's the best thing she has eaten her whole life! I said,"You're such a jerk!" and ran downstairs to take a nap to curb my cravings. Luckily I can still eat cheese and pickles! Yummy! Okay later that night, I wanted something sweet! My mom said,"How about you eat some fruit!" Fruit?! Fruit?! What is fruit??? I probably ate more fruit last night than I have in the past two weeks! I ate frozen blueberries, and a plum. Then I realized how much candy is hidden in my room... I sacrificed it all to my family! I had one of those whole huge boxes nerds that I only ate 10 nerds out of! And a whole box of cookie crisp cereal. Man, I love cookies! They ate them in front of me, I thought I was going to cry! My dad handed me a banana... I'm going to be so healthy if I keep this fruit action up!

August 2nd
As I write this blog, one last Dunford chocolate cake doughnut is sitting right in front of me... Oh how I want it!

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Blog!!! Finally!

Hey there! I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now, and I have finally taken the time to do so! I've had people compliment me on my facebook posts and about two dozen people have suggested I start one of these things! So here it is y'all! For my first post, I will explain the reasoning behind the title I chose!
For those of you who have had the rare privilege of going into my room, you will understand more fully what I'm talking about. Those who have not, I will post pictures! Don't worry! Okay, for about five or six years now, I've been collecting random things from places I visit, and things I do to tape onto my wall. It started as a food wall with ketchup packets from In-n-Out, and silverware from parties. I would collect anything I could get my hands on from restaurants to put onto my wall. Then I started collecting things I'm interested in, for instance, I cut pictures of the Jazz out of the newspaper. That turned into putting pictures of my favorite bands, musicals, and friends up onto the wall. I also have ticket stubs, certificates, and comics on the wall. Over the years I've been pushing for people to call it, "The Collage of My Life." However, my brother and father couldn't help but calling it "The Wall of Trash." That name has unfortunately stuck, and grown on me. I figure a complete stranger could walk into my room, and learn so much about me by just looking around it. I've titled my blog "The Wall of Trash" because it is going to be a random collection of funny stories, happenings, and pictures of my life all compiled to make a digital wall of trash.